Music Ministry

To sum up the worship-style of Calvary Baptist Church into on word, it would have to be the word BLENDED We lean more on the contemporary side of worship, because that's where the audience is, but we like to throw some traditional hymns and older praise songs in the mix, because you can't beat a good classic.


Check out some of the opportunities to plug into the music & media ministry below, and come check us out.

If you would like to explore an opportunity, check it out here:

Music Ministry

Praise Team

The term Praise Team refers to anyone in the Praise Band, the Choir, or on the A/V Team.

We are a family of believers who want to teach and show others what true worship looks like.

We are not here to put on a show, or perform, unless it's to the audience of One, and we are here to prepare the hearts of the church to receive the Word in which God has prepared to bring through the message for that day.

All we are seeking is honest worship, nothing more, nothing less.

Praise Band and Choir

We practice and run through music together every Sunday at 2:00 PM in the sanctuary, and anyone is invited and encouraged to join either of these groups. If you can sing or play an instrument, or if you just have a heart for worship, come join us.

A/V Team

This part of worship is just as important as the music and singing. It involves media such as slides, live streaming, cameras and social media participation, as well as lights, and adjusting.

We are striving to grow this group and would love you to come talk to us about volunteering and serving on this team.

Other Information

Got a Suggestion?

Let us know what you think...

Music Suggestions

Vault Praise Band

We have a very talented and active student praise team.

Check them out HERE

Instrument Classes

We are teaching the basics of learning to play Guitar, Keys, Bass Guitar, and Drums.

For more details, contact

Calvary Baptist Church

Sunday Practices

Adult Praise Team:

Sundays @ 2:00PM

Vault Praise Band:

Sundays @ 3:00PM